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SI-FOOtWORK project: Smart insole system for
older workers to reduce back pain
About the research

The aim of the project is to develop a personalized smart insole system for older workers to reduce back pain. The SIFOOtWORK system will consist of an insole that, equipped with pressure sensors, can measure the lifting workloads of older workers. By integrating state-of-the-art low power technology, Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) communication, the insole can wirelessly and ubiquitously communicate with an adaptable Artificial Intelligence (AI) lifting engine, that can evaluate lifting amounts and correctness. This information will be visualized to the older workers through an application running on their mobile application, a smartwatch, or a discrete wristband or patch (depending on personal and workplace preferences). These immediate notifications will empower the user to avoid and stop problematic lifting situations, thus reducing the risk of developing back pains due to overexertion


Technical University

of Denmark

Respondent's profile

The primary user groups should be above 50 years of age and involved in physical lifting or other manual tasks in the construction site.

Screenshot 2021-04-15 124039.png
What we are doing

Our primary task is to focus on user co-creation and proof of concept validation.


Data collection will begin in June 2021.

For now, we are focusing on developing the testing methodologies as well as creating industry linkage for the project. Any further updates will be posted here. You can also send an email to if you are interested in this project.

©2025 by Tausif Ahmed Ishtiaque

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